Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others

Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others

A Companion to John Buridan's Philosophy of Mind

Klima, Gyula

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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Part 1. About the Science of the Soul.- Chapter 1. Buridan in the Context of Late-Medieval Cognitive Psychology (Peter King).- Chapter 2. Where should we discuss the soul? The 14th-century Unification of the Doctrines of De Anima and De Generatione (Sander W. de Boer).- Part 2. About the Nature and Powers of the Soul, and the Powers and Functions of the Sensitive Soul.- Chapter 3. The Trivia of Hylomorphism, Dualism and Materialism: Some Pointers from Buridan and Others (Gyula Klima).- Chapter 4. Buridan on the Metaphysics of the Soul (Calvin Normore).- Chapter 5. Aquinas vs. Buridan on the Substance and Powers of the Soul (Adam Wood).- Chapter 6. John Buridan on External and Internal Sensation (Peter Sobol).- Chapter 7. Durand of St.-Pourcain and John Buridan on Species: Direct Realism with and without Representation (Peter Hartman).- Chapter 8. Awareness and Unity of Conscious Experience: Buridan on the Common Sense (Henrik Lagerlund).- Chapter 9. Bero Magni de Ludosia on Parts of Sensation (Robert Andrews).- Chapter 10. Buridan on the Psychology and Morality of Appetitive Acts (Martin Pickave).- Part 3. About the Intellect and Intellectual Functions.- Chapter 11. Intellect and Intellectual Activity in Buridan's Psychology (Jack Zupko).- Chapter 12. Scotus and Buridan on the First Known (Primum Cognitum) (Timothy Noone).- Chapter 13. Self-Knowledge and the Science of the Soul in Buridan's Quaestiones De Anima (Susan Brower-Towland).- Chapter 14. Buridan, Intentionality and Its Paradoxes (Joel Biard).- Chapter 15. Was Buridan a 'Psychologist' in His Logic? (Jennifer Ashworth).- Chapter 16. Linguistic Externalism and Mental Language in Ockham and Buridan (Claude Panaccio).
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Buridan Agent Intellect;Buridan Common Sense;Buridan Hylomorphism;Buridan Intelligible Species;Buridan Intentions;Buridan Phantasms;Buridan Sensible Species;Buridan Substantial Form;Buridan Soul;John Buridan;Medieval Psychology;Metaphysics of the soul;Buridan Dualism;Buridan Materialism;Buridan Aristotle;Buridan Questions