Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy

Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy

Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio

Pelletier, Jenny E.; Roques, Magali

Springer International Publishing AG






15 a 20 dias


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Part 1. Doing the History of Philosophy.- 1. TBA (Claude Panaccio).- 2. Pourquoi Faire l'Histoire de la Philosophie? (Aurelien Robert).- Part 2. Ockham.- 3. Causation and Externalism (Susan Brower).- 4. Causation, Resemblance, Similitudo (Calvin Normore).- 5. Individuation and Resemblance: Ockham's Doubts about the Intellectio Theory (Peter Hartman).- 6. Ockham on Cognitive Habits (Magali Roques).- 7. Ockham's Voluntarism Reconsidered: Freedom and the Possibility of Irrational Action (Sonja Schierbaum).- 8. Les Syllogismes Modaux Mixtes Chez Ockham (Ernesto Perini-Santos).- Part 3. Ockham and his Contemporaries.- 9. William of Ockham and Peter Auriol on the Argument from Illusion (Martin Pickave).- 10. Auriol on Universal Concepts (Russ Friedman).- 11. Le Role de la Volonte dans l'acte de foi: Durand de Saint-Pourcain, Gauthier Chatton et Guillaume d'Ockham en Discussion (David Piche).- 12. Too Many Terms, Too Few Entities? Chatton's Criticisms of Ockham on Categories (Jenny Pelletier).- 13. Ockham and Buridan on the Syllogism (Catarina Dutilh Novaes).- 14. Thought Transplants and Concept-Identity in Nominalist Cognitive Psychology (Gyula Klima).- Part 4. Sources and Reception.- 15. Logique et Logos (Interieur et Exterieur) dans la Divisio Scientiarum d'Arnould de Provence: la Lettre et le Sens d'une Citation d'Al-Farabi (Claude Lafleur).- 16. La "Revolution Ockhamiste" en Semantique et ses Consequences sur l'Analyse Logique du Langage (Frederic Goubier).- 17. Locutio Angelica et Langage Mental (Irene Rosier).- 18. Presentation et Representation: Aux Origines du "Representationnalisme" (Alain de Libera).- 19. Some Sources of Ockham's Rejection of Species Theory (Antoine Cote).- 20. King Psammetichus' Experiment and Medieval Debates about the Naturalness of Language (Sten Ebbesen).- 21. The Science of Psychology in Ockham's Age (Peter King).- 22. The Language of Thought in Buridan (Jack Zupko).- 23. Evidence et Raisons Probables: le Statut de la Science Selon Pierre d'Ailly (Joel Biard).- 24. A Realist Response to Nominalism in the Discussion of Supposition Theory: Cologne masters vs. Johannes Dorp, and the Anonymous Author of a Commentary on Marsilius of Inghen (Jenny Ashworth).
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Ockham on Cognitive Habits;Mental Language;Causation and Externalism;Nominalism;History of logic;History of cognitive psychology;Fourteenth-century philosophy;Auriol on Universal Concepts;Causation, Resemblance, Similitudo;Ockham and Intellectio Theory;Ockham and Auriol on the Argument from Illusion;Ockham's Voluntarism;Locutio angelica et langage mental;Language of Thought in Buridan;Pierre d'Ailly